Practical Sailor printed a very positive review of the Baba 30 in their
November, 1998 issue. I would like to make it available to you in this location,
however, the editor of Practical Sailor requires an annual payment of $350 to include it
here. If you are interested in the Baba 30, I encourage you to locate a copy to
learn more.
Some of the characteristics that were conveyed in the article include:
Traditional styling and heavy weather performer |
6' 4" headroom and large interior |
Excellent construction |
Cabinetry & joinery of high-end custom yachts |
4 foot bowsprit with two bow rollers |
10 opening ports and two opening skylights |
One of the highest resale values in the marketplace |
A favorite of cruising couples |
The principal liability cited in the review was the boat's light air
performance. |